This month ReviewStudio journeys into a new dimension as we release support for 3D annotation. 3D models are a core component of many design, architecture, CGI, and gaming projects. They are also playing an increasingly important role in eCommerce – offering customers the ability to interactively explore products from any angle.

ReviewStudio’s innovative new solution now offers 3D content creators the option of uploading 3D models directly to a Review so that collaborators can view, markup and comment directly on their models using the same familiar pencil and note tools that are used for annotating all the 2D content we already support.
As you rotate, pan, and zoom in the 3D space, the pencil functions similarly to graffiti spray paint – applying your drawing in 3D directly to the surface. Clicking on a comment in the comment bar will reposition the model back to the view shown when the original markup was added.
Information about surface materials, lighting, and background images can also be included with the model by exporting all the associated data to .glb format – a standardized binary 3D format supported by most of the popular 3D content creation tools used today in production.
For more information about how to prepare and review 3D models check out our knowledge base article.